A post with Willa

This post is transcribed from the formidable mind of Willa, who will be 6 years old this week. She is also helping with the color scheme and other features. I am editing as little as possible, for clarity only.

This is a puzzle that Willa made on Valentine’s Day early in the morning.

Hi, I’m Willa. I have powers and one of them is to run super fast. And I like playing [Marvel Superhero Avengers] matching game with daddy and mommy.

I like eating for snack ZBars and granola bars. And on my birthday, I get two treats: ice cream and a big chocolate cake. And I hope I get fun presents and mystery gifts.

On my mind I’m thinking about playing Play-Doh.

Ira [little brother] is usually a cheerful guy with a big huge smile on his face. He loves playing lots of fun games. And there’s one fun game called “fall” where we get on a cushion on the ottoman, then I pull the cushion down, then we fall down onto the carpet, then we get smooshed by the cushion, then say, “Help, we’re smooshed!” Then we start laughing and get out.

I am learning WordPress

beach during daytime

No, I am not writing from the white sand beaches of Negril, Jamaica, my favorite vacation spot. I’m writing this post from the frigid midwestern United States as I follow along with the LinkedIn Learning WordPress 5 Essential Training course. I’m starting with the new Block Editor, which seems pretty intuitive and handy, but I’m really excited to dig into the HTML in the background.

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